Management is a process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling resources such as money, materials, people, and time .etc. to achieve organizational goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. 

Objectives of Managements:
There are some common objectives of management are as follows:

Achieving organizational goals and objectives: This is the primary objective of management to achieve organizational goals and objectives through effective planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the resources of the organization. 

Maximizing efficiency and productivity: This is the key objective of management is to maximize efficiency and productivity in the possible efficient way to get desired results or outcomes. This can involve activities such as developing processes, procedures, and systems that can maximize productivity and can reduce waste.

Ensuring effective communication: Management is responsible for effective communication within the organization, between different departments, and with the external stakeholders. This involves developing effective communication channels, policies, and procedures to improve effective communication and than can to promote transparency, accountability, and collaboration. 

Managing change: The management are also responsible for adapting changes in the business environment. These changes can be new technologies, legal and regulation, and customer needs .etc. It involves developing strategies to be able to manage and adapt changes occurring in the environment.

Developing and managing human resources: Management is responsible for recruiting, training, and developing employees to ensure that they have enough or necessary skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively. This involves creating a positive work environment, providing incentives and rewards, and developing programs to promote employees engagement and retention.